The Surgery Center of Fairbanks is an Essential Services and Critical Infrastructure organization and has implemented the following protocols to protect our patients, providers, visitors and the public.
Non-Urgent and Elective Procedures Determination
The Surgery Center of Fairbanks is complying with Health Mandate 005: Elective Medical Procedures to decrease the overall impact of COVID-19 on Alaska’s health care system. The facility is following the CMS recommended actions and triage resources for practitioners and guidance from the U.S. Surgeon General and the American College of Surgeons, as referenced in the mandate. The medical director is reviewing all surgery scheduling requests submitted by medical staff members to assure the Health Mandate 005 is being followed. A task force review of the criteria is performed with the surgeon. Following this review, a decision is made to proceed with or delay the surgery.
Employees, Providers, Patients & Visitors Screening
Our communications and screening of patients before the date of surgery are being handled by (1) a patient online medical history including questions related to COVID-19 symptoms including any recent travel; (2) a call from the pre-registration nurse for a review of medical history including COVID-19 questions, and (3) a secure digital message advising what to do if they have any symptoms or fever prior to surgery.
We have implemented protocols recommended by local, state and federal agencies to minimize the exposure and spread of COVID-19. Essential employees, providers, patients, and visitors are required to access the building at a single entrance and complete a COVID-19 screening questionnaire about their contact with others, travel outside of Alaska, and if they are experiencing any respiratory symptoms. Screening is completed by obtaining body temperature readings.
Access to Patient Areas Restricted
Within the surgery center, only patients are allowed back to pre-op rooms, operating rooms, and recovery bays. Patients are discharged and their ride is called to pick them up at our side entrance. Where possible, our essential employees are practicing the Social Distancing Requirements outlined in the Essential Services and Critical Workforce Order and Health Mandate 012. We are not allowing more than ten people in a room and when possible, keeping six feet between each person. We also ask visitors to remain apart if they wait in the lobby or we contact them by phone. Employees in direct contact with patients are following the CDC guidance for healthcare workers protection including masks, gloves, and gowns.
The Surgery Center of Fairbanks will continue to monitor local, state and federal guidance and modify its protocols as appropriate going forward. If there are any questions or concerns, please contact Keli Hite McGee, Administrator, or (907) 458-7263.
In accordance with Governor Dunleavy’s Health Mandate 012, issued March 27, 2020 (“Health Mandate 012”), The Surgery Center of Fairbanks is an Essential Services and Critical Infrastructure organization as defined in the Alaska Essential Services and Critical Workforce Infrastructure Order, formerly “Attachment A”, as Amended March 27, 2020 (“Essential Services and Critical Workforce Order”).