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- Preoperative Orders »
- Operating Room Scheduling Form »
- Facility Consent »
- History and Physical Short Form »
- Anesthesia Questionnaire »
- Surgery Packet »
Pre-operative Information
At the Surgery Center of Fairbanks (SCF), we want to make your outpatient surgery experience as pleasant as possible. Please contact us if you have any questions, concerns, special needs or requests.
Patients generally need to arrive about one hour before surgery. You’ll be called by our staff the business day prior after 3:00 p.m. to confirm the exact date and time. We will need a good contact number where you can be reached. If you have not talked with one of our staff nurses by 4:00 p.m. the prior business day of your surgery, call SCF for confirmation.
Patient Instructions
- Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the night before surgery. Your stomach must be empty. Do not chew gum or smoke. You may brush your teeth the morning of your surgery. Do not swallow any water.
- Do not use alcohol, tobacco, or marijuana within 8 hours of surgery.
- Please bathe or shower the evening before or the morning of surgery.
- Do not wear make-up, perfume, cologne, jewelry, nail polish, deodorant, lotion or creams.
- Eyeglasses, contact lenses, and dentures may need to be removed and stored in proper containers before surgery. Please bring containers with you.
- Do not take anti-inflammatories, vitamins or herbal medicines for 1 week prior to your surgery. If you are unsure of a medication, please ask your doctor.
- If you take medication(s) daily, you will be given instructions on which medications to take. If you are instructed to take medications the day of surgery, take with a SIP of water. You must bring an accurate list of medications with dosage and frequency. You may bring the medications themselves for us to review.
- If you have a cold, sore throat, fever, or other illness 24 hours prior to surgery, please call your doctor as soon as possible. If you cannot reach your doctor, please report your illness to our medical staff at SCF.
- If you have any allergies to medications, latex, tape, soap or foods, please inform your doctor and SCF beforehand.
- If a special prep or medication has been prescribed by your physician for use prior to your surgery, please follow the instructions closely.
- If you’re on a blood thinner, please consult your surgeon or PCP regarding when to stop taking this medication prior to surgery.
- YOU MUST MAKE ARRANGEMENTS IN ADVANCE for a responsible adult to drive you home and stay with you for 24 hours after being discharged. Under no circumstances will you be allowed to operate a motor vehicle or use a taxi service (including Uber/Lyft) if you have received sedation or general anesthesia.
- All minors must be accompanied by a legal guardian who must remain in the facility for the duration of the minor’s visit.
Before Your Surgery
Please contact the Surgery Center of Fairbanks to make an appointment for medical and anesthesia clearance prior to surgery. In some cases, you will be required to undergo a physical exam and some routine lab tests prior to your surgery.
Outside the center, there is a drop-off area and free parking. A main-floor facility allows easy access to the reception desk, where you will register for your procedure.
Next, you will meet in a private consultation area with your health care team. Our staff will show you to a private room where you can prepare for your surgery.
Family & Friends
You should make yourself comfortable in the waiting area. It is best if you can wait at the center until the operation is over. We do have a fireplace, television and free Wi-Fi at our facility. Please feel free to bring a book or a laptop.
When the patient reaches an appropriate level of recovery, a staff member will come to get you to discuss discharge instructions.
After Your Surgery
Recovery times vary according to the type of surgery you are having. When you’re ready, you and your family may use our private patient exit. For safety reasons, it is our policy to take each patient out to the vehicle in a wheelchair.
Remember, for your safety, you will not be allowed to drive yourself home after your surgery. Please plan to have someone drive you to and from SCF.
Patient Safety Concerns
Patient safety concerns can be reported to The Joint Commission:
- At, using the “Report a Patient Safety Event” link in the “Action Center” on the home page of the website.
- By fax to 630-792-5636
- By mail to Office of Quality and Patient Safety, The Joint Commission, One Renaissance Boulevard, Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181